REsources Developed At CLLE CLLE: Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie


ENGLAWI's documentation


ENGLAWI's entries may contain one or several phonemic transcriptions in API, as well as hyphenations. When present, hyphenations do not occur in the API transcriptions: they are given in an orthographic spelling form.

The screenshots below illustrates the pronunciation elements that can be found in the entry alphabetical:

Transcriptions may mention diatopic variants. In the example above, national variants distinguish British and General American pronunciations. Regional and local variants may also be mentioned, as illustrated by the screenshot above (tomorrow):

XML structure

pronunciations <!ELEMENT pronunciations (pron|hyphen)*> <!ELEMENT pron (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST pron area CDATA #IMPLIED indication CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT hyphen (#PCDATA)>

The pronunciations elements may be found as children of text elements. Optional area attributes in pron elements may indicate diatopic variants. Optional indication attributes may give information such as rhotic/nonrhotic, stressed/unstressed, etc.
Below is the XML structure that corresponds to the adjective alphabetical:

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