REsources Developed At CLLE CLLE: Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie


ENGLAWI's documentation



According to Wiktionary's guidelines, quotations/citations "serve two purposes: they provide evidence that a word or sense exists, and they provide examples of how it is used (what register it has, etc) as part of the language".

XML structure

<!ELEMENT quotation (attr)*> <!ATTLIST quotation type (book|journal|magazine|newsgroup|other|plainText|song|text|us-patent|video|webpage|wikipedia) #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT attr (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST attr type (passage|url|year|pages|title|author|other|publisher|accessdate|newsgroup|chapter|date|section |volume|work|newspaper|issue|ISBN|journal|wplink|link) #REQUIRED> Quotations usually ilustrate a definition's gloss and contain a quoted text and corresponding metadata (e.g. author, source, date, etc.). The type attribute of the quotation tag indicates the type of source the quotation has been taken from. When the value of a quotation's type is plainText, it means that the quotation has been found in plain text format in Wiktionary, with no formal encoding in the wikicode (the difference is not visible to the user when browsing Wiktionary's HTML pages). Only the year and the title of the source have been retrieved. attr children encode other elements of metadata. A prototypical case is illustrated by the first quotation element of the podocarpus's example below: the quotation refers to a journal's article and the quoted text is identified by the attr element whose type's value is passage. The second example (exampleRef element) of the same entry shows that some quotations may also act like pointers: they only refer to external sources without giving any quoted text: no txt element correspond to the xml tag.

At last, some quotations are formaly encoded in the wikicode and mention the type of quotation, but miss a passage element: the quoted text has been reported out of the quotation element (after or before it). This is the case in the fourth sense of template:

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