REsources Developed At CLLE CLLE: Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie

DiCo Corpus: Dictionnaires ComparésVersion française


The DiCo corpus contains a lot of information on some French dictionaries, such as the headwords added to or removed from dictionaries' nomenclature. This information was obtained by manually and exhaustively comparing the successive editions of the same dictionary, for example, the Petit Larousse 2005 with the Petit Larousse 2006, then the latter with the Petit Larousse 2007, etc.

Further details on the comparison method are given in (Martinez, 2009) and (Martinez, 2013), available below.

Persons in charge
  • Design (comparison of dictionaries, database):
    Camille Martinez -
  • Dates of inclusion in Wiktionnaire, public release and online browser:
    Franck Sajous -

Licence and terms of use
Some rights are reserved: the DiCo corpus is available under a Creative Commons By-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution, not use the material for commercial purposes, share alike) licence.
This licence applies to spreadsheet files available below and to the online browser.
The corpus data were manually compiled and have then been processed by computer software to "normalize" values, add Wiktionnaire's inclusion dates, etc. The corpus is provided as is and may contain errors imputable to manual or automatic processing. These possible errors do not engage the responsibility of the authors, their institution or the publishing houses producing the dictionaries under study.

The 3.5.10 version of the DiCo corpus is freely available for download under the following formats:
Compact version Hausmann et al (1989) typology
Open Office/Libre Office ODS ODS

Online browsing
A graphic user interface is also available for online browsing:
New headwords / headwords removed
The list of the headwords added to or removed from the dictionaries nomenclature every year is available here (external site).

Description of the fields included in the corpus (French only).
Further details on the comparison method, please see (Martinez, 2009) and (Martinez, 2013) available below.

To cite this corpus:
  • Franck Sajous and Camille Martinez (2022), Metalexicographical Investigations with the DiCo Database, International Journal of Lexicography, 35(1), pp. 75-106. [ PDF ] [ Bibtex ]
  • Camille Martinez (2013), La comparaison de dictionnaires comme méthode d'investigation lexicographique, N. Gasiglia (dir.), Lexique, 21, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, pages 193-220 [ PDF ] [ Bibtex ]
  • Camille Martinez (2009), Une base de données des entrées et sorties dans la nomenclature d'un corpus de dictionnaires : présentation et exploitation, In H. Manuélian (coord.) Informatique et description de la langue d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, Études de linguistique appliquée, 156, Paris, Didier Érudition / Klincksieck, p. 499-509 [ PDF ] [ Bibtex ]
List of articles refering to the DiCo corpus.