REsources Developed At CLLE CLLE: Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie

ANNODIS Resource
A discourse-level annotated corpus for French

The ANNODIS resource is a diversified corpus of written French texts enriched with a manual annotation of discourse structures. It was produced as part of the ANNODIS project (ANNOtation DIScursive), financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR). Its main features:

  • two mark-ups (corresponding to two distinct approaches to discourse organisation)
    • rhetorical relations annotation including 3188 Elementary Discourse Units (EDU) and 1395 Complex Discourse Units (CDU) linked by 3355 rhetorical relations (e.g. contrast, elaboration, result, attribution, etc.)
    • multi-level structures annotion including 991 Enumerative Structures (ES) and 588 Topical Chains (TC) with their clues (e.g. 2456 topical expressions)
  • texts (a total of 687,000 words) coming from four sources
    • the regional daily Est Républicain (39 articles - 10,000 words)
    • the French Wikipedia (30 articles + 30 extracts - 242,000 words)
    • the proceedings of the Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2008 (25 articles - 169,000 words)
    • reports from the Institut Français de Relations Internationales (32 reports - 266,000 words)
  • he texts were annotated using the Glozz annotation tool created for the ANNODIS resource
Overview of the resource
Mark-up type Corpus (origin) Corpus (genre and dominant type) Corpus (volume)
Rhetorical relations NEWS
(Est Républicain)
G = news in brief
T = narrative
39 articles
10 000 words
av. 250 words/text
(Wikipedia extracts)
G = encyclopaedia articles
T = expositive
30 extraits
11 000 words
av. 412 words/text
Multi-level structures WIK2
(Wikipedia whole articles)
G = encyclopaedia articles
T = expositive
30 articles
231 000 words
av. 700 words/text
LING (Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2008) G = research articles
T = expositive
25 articles
169 000 words
av. 6760 words/text
GEOP (Institut Français de Relations Internationales) G = reports and articles
T = argumentative
32 articles
266 000 words
av. 8325 words/text
rhetorical relations + multi-level Articles and extracts from WIK2, LING and GEOP 13 articles
18 extracts
7 000 words

The ANNODIS resource is available under Creative Commons licence BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). Please read it carefully.

Partners in the ANNODIS project (ANR corpus 2007)
  • CLLE (UMR 5263), Université de Toulouse UTM (Myriam Bras, Cécile Fabre, Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac, Anne Le Draoulec, Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley, Laurent Prévot, Josette Rebeyrolle, Franck Sajous, Ludovic Tanguy, Marianne Vergez-Couret)
  • IRIT (UMR 5505) Université de Toulouse UPS (Nicholas Asher, Farah Benamara, Philippe Muller, Laure Vieu, Stergos Afantenos)
  • GREYC (UMR 6072) Université de Caen (Thierry Charnois, Bruno Crémilleux, Patrice Enjalbert, Stéphane Ferrari , Alexandre Labadié, Julien Lebranchu, Dominique Legallois, Yann Mathet, Antoine Widlöcher)
Publications presenting the ANNODIS project/resource
  • Afantenos S. D., Asher N., Benamara F., Bras M., Fabre C., Ho-Dac L.-M., Le Draoulec A. Muller P., Péry-Woodley M.-P., Prévot L., Rebeyrolle J., Tanguy L., Vergez-Couret M., Vieu L. (2012). An empirical resource for discovering cognitive principles of discourse organization: the ANNODIS corpus. LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2012. [ PDF ]
  • Péry-Woodley M.-P., Afantenos S. D., Ho-Dac L.-M., Asher N. (2011). La ressource ANNODIS, un corpus enrichi d'annotations discursives. TAL 52(3), pp 71-101. [ PDF ]
  • Péry-Woodley M.-P., Asher N., Enjalbert P., Benamara F., Bras M., Fabre C., Ferrari S., Ho-Dac L.-M., Le Draoulec A. , Mathet Y., Muller P., Prévot L., Rebeyrolle J., Tanguy L., Vergez-Couret M., Vieu L., Wildöcher A. (2009). ANNODIS : une approche outillée de l'annotation de structures discursives, TALN 2009, Senlis, Juin, 2009. [ PDF ]
Annotation manuals (in French)
  • Muller P., Vergez-Couret M., Prévot L., Asher N., Benamara F., Bras M., Le Draoulec A., Vieu L. (2012). Manuel d'annotation en relations de discours du projet ANNODIS. Carnets de Grammaire 21, 34p. [ PDF ]
  • Colléter M., Fabre C., Ho-Dac L.-M., Péry-Woodley M.-P., Rebeyrolle J., Tanguy L. (2012). La ressource ANNODIS multi-échelle : guide d'annotation et "bonus" Carnets de Grammaire 20, 63p. [ PDF ]
Person in charge
Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac
Contact :