ANNODIS_rr.zip contains the corpus annotated with rhetorical relations. Two types of annotations are provided :
The README_en.txt file describes in details the content of the archive. What are "Rhetorical Relations"?
The "Rhetorical Relations" annotation aims at providing a complete structure of a text, starting from the segmentation into EDUs, i.e. Elementary Discourse Units (mostly clauses, appositions, some adverbials) to CDUs i.e. Complex Discourse Units, by linking each DU (EDU and CDU) with at least one rhetorical relation. Semantically, each EDU contains at least one eventuality description, and often only one. What "Rhetorical Relations" have been annotated?
The relations linking DUs (EDUs or CDUs) are a set of 17 relations that were chosen because they more or less common to all the theories of discourse mentioned above, or correspond to well-defined subgroups in fine-grained theories. The intermediate level of granularity was chosen as a compromise between informativeness and reliability of the annotation process. It corresponds to the level chosen in the PDTB, and a coarse-grained RST.
Overview of the ANNODIS_rr : annotated corpus with rhetorical relations